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HRM Review Magazine:

The ultimate aim of any modern corporate is growth with profit maximization. Growth is the first and foremost characteristic of nature and its products which include modern societies with all their industrial, agricultural and service sectors and above all the research organizations to cater to the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Governed by the laws of the universe and nature, societies, markets and above all human life are in the constant churn of development in the realm of creativity and innovativeness.


Improving employee morale has been one of the hot pursuits of Human Resources Departments. There have been a lot of debates on how to improve the morale of the workforce, and much has been talked about and written on this aspect. Simple, plain thinking and observation untainted by any personal prejudices will reveal that it is the work environment that either boosts or spoils the employee morale. This article throws light on the role played by the immediate boss in boosting the morale of his subordinates

To keep the employees motivated and in good spirits are a couple of the prime objectives of Human Resources Management (HRM). In spite of many studies having been done in different relevant areas connected to employee motivation, the answer to the question as to what keeps the employees morale high, remains elusive. Morale is generally understood as the total satisfaction a person derives from his job, his work group, his boss, his organization and his general environment. The general feeling of well-being, satisfaction and happiness among employees is an indication that their morale is high. The positive effects of good morale and the negative effects of bad morale have been studied extensively. While good morale induces voluntary contribution of efforts for the betterment of the organization, bad morale breeds grievances, frustration and induces lack of interest in contributing to the betterment
of the organization. Teamwork is possible only when all the members of the team possess good morale. High morale among the employees of an organization is synonymous with high productivity. Incidence of high labor turnover is being considered as one of the strong indicators of poor morale among the employees.

The reasons for the prevalence of bad morale among the employees of an organization are generally attributed to factors like inefficient leadership, lack of recognition, lack of career prospects, poor working conditions, inadequate monetary and non-monetary incentives etc. The list can be enlarged by adding all those factors that make an employee feel dejected at work. The crux of the issue is to see whether all such factors really have their influence on employee morale.

Boss ,Employee Morale,Human Resources Management,inefficient leadership, lack of recognition, lack of career prospects, poor working conditions, inadequate monetary incentives, non-monetary incentives,grievances,frustration,