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HRM Review Magazine:

The ultimate aim of any modern corporate is growth with profit maximization. Growth is the first and foremost characteristic of nature and its products which include modern societies with all their industrial, agricultural and service sectors and above all the research organizations to cater to the needs of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. Governed by the laws of the universe and nature, societies, markets and above all human life are in the constant churn of development in the realm of creativity and innovativeness.


Irrespective of their status, most of the management institutions are facing tremendous problems in getting and retaining talented knowledge workers in their institutions, resulting in poor quality education, increasing frustration among management graduates remaining unemployed after huge investments in their studies, etc. Thus, getting and retaining talented knowledge workers has become the key issue in management education. This article is intended to understand this key issue and suggest some preventive measures for retaining talented knowledge workers.

All the committees on management education in India namely Nanda Committee in 1981, Kurien Committee in 1992, Iswar Dayal Committee in 2001 and AICTE Committee in 2003 (Pillania Rajesh K - 2 AIMS, 2004, p-376) opined that one of the major problems in management education in India is the shortage of talented quality knowledge worker. Talented knowledge worker is the most important required for good quality management education.

According to Pearce II, John A and Robinson, R B (2004, p-6) "Strategy is the large-scale future-oriented plans for interacting with the competitive environment to optimize achievement of organization objectives". Thus, we can say a strategy represents an organization's `vision' and `mission'. A vision statement gives the answer to the question `what do we want to be?' and a mission statement distinguishes one organization from other similar organizations. It gives the answer to the question `what is your business?' Thus, from the above discussion it is clear that a strategy reflects an organization's awareness of how to compete, against where, when, whom and why.

Management Education,Retention Strategies , management, knowledge, Committee, education, organization, institutions, strategy, environment,large-scale future-oriented plans , management education,problems,achievement, organization objectives,awareness,