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Advertising Express Magazine:
In-store Advertisement : Current Trends in Retail Stores

In the modern era of retailing, consumers have a wide range of product choice. In order to communicate to the customers at the time of purchase, in-store media like audio, video, displays on shopping carts, kiosks that provide information and coupons, Light-emitting Diode (LED) displays, and ads that broadcast over in-house sound display system play a crucial role. Point of Purchase (POP) advertisement has a major influence on the purchase of low-involvement products. This article talks about POP advertisement science, significance, measurement of its effectiveness, and future trends.


The store is more than a distribution point. "It is a marketing medium that allows for various touch points of communication or messaging", says Mel Korn, President and CEO of New York-based Collaborative Marketing Worldwide. POP advertising goes back a long way to the traders, peddlers and hawkers who needed to display their wares to attract customers. In the present marketing scenario, retail revolution has facilitated customers with a wide choice of products coupled with rising purchasing power. The use of signs, posters and display racks have increased only after the rise in chain store POP advertisement.

According to Point of Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI), "A product or service including displays, signage and in-store media, purchased by retailers and/or brand marketers for placement at the point of sales for promotion of goods and services. Approximately, two-thirds of consumer purchase decisions are made in the store; some impulse categories demonstrate an 80% rate".


Advertising Express Magazine, In-store Advertisement, Light-emitting Diode, Collaborative Marketing, Retail Outlets, Mass Media Campaigns, Innovative Forms, POP Communications, Marketing Communications, Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, Traditional Advertising.