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Advertising Express Magazine:
Marketing to Indian Women

Of late, it is being observed that marketers are targeting women consumers for products that used to be in the domain of their male counterparts such as cars, as they are now realizing the power of women and focusing on them. This article tries to throw light on that issue of marketing to Indian women and how the marketers are adapting to it.


Have you seen the new advertisement campaign of Tata Sumo Victa? In one of the ads, the focus is a woman who is the driver of the car, owner of the car (supposed to be) and the highlight of the ad rather than the car. Yes, the global trend of marketing to women is catching up in India too. Who would have thought five years ago that a product like a car would be positioned for the women audience? Similar to the Victa, Mahindra Bolero (the "Break Free" ad) also showed a woman at the helm and the man as a follower. The marketers today are trying hard to target women consumers instead of men. Here, we are not talking about products which are exclusively made for women such as cosmetics and personal care products, but products which were normally sold to males and are currently used by either sex.

Today's women are venturing more and more into areas which were previously considered to be restricted to men only, but now they are demanding their equal share of the consumption bundle. A quick look into the graph given in Figure 1 gives an idea on how women all over the world are influencing purchase decisions. Currently, women are influencing more than 80% of the purchase decisions of all consumer goods.


Advertising Express Magazine, Indian Women, Advertisement Campaigns, Household Products, Indian Marketers, Advertising Strategies, Consumer Goods, Global Marketing, Women Consumers, Marketing Products, Market Development.