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Advertising Express Magazine:
Outdoor Advertising

With the media explosion reverberating all around, why should those of the outdoor be left behind? With increasing competition amongst the brand marketers to be eye-catching, media planners are re-looking at the possibilities of Out-of-Home media commonly referred to as OOH, which is growing constantly and is expected to cross Rs. 2,000 cr in the next five years.


Mumbai has hoardings all around the city, in all sizes and shapes, and at locations where they are bound to get noticed. Earlier, hoardings, bus shelters, etc. were part of outdoor advertising; but today, they have become a part of the larger OOH advertising.

As more and more marketers are increasingly vying for the mindshare of people, OOH has come of age to play an important part in the media planners ad spends. Previously, OOH was considered as only a supporting media to play the role of add-on when the message was already communicated by the TV Commercials (TVCs) and print media; but now, the landscape for OOH is changing. Media planners and brand marketers no longer consider OOH to be the support media: instead it has become a vital element in the complete ad strategy of any successful branding exercise. The transition from outdoor to OOH has been for the reasons that while outdoor was primarily considered to be hoardings and related advertising; outdoor includes other OOH media as well. With the growing Indian economy, people are getting better employment prospects and, thus, have more disposable incomes. Therefore, people are consuming and purchasing more. This requires the brand marketers to reach out to the audience through every possible means. This has led to increased ad spend on OOH media.


Advertising Express Magazine, Outdoor Advertising, Brand Marketers, Media Planners, OOH Media, Rural Advertising, OOH Advertising, Digital Technologies, Technological Innovations, Eye Catching Advertisements, Outdoor Advertising Industry, Outdoor Media.