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Global CEO Magazine:
CSR : An insight into the way it is practiced today

Corporate Social Responsibility has over time evolved as a central management concern. It is the way firms try to integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into their values, culture, decision-making, strategy and operations. The outcome definitely involves better industry practices, wealth creation and a much improved society.


In layman terms Corporate Social Responsibility implies - companies being more socially responsible, be it towards the environment, their customers or their employees. It is also known by a number of other names: Corporate responsibility, corporate accountability, etc...

CSR typically, is the way firms try to integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into their values, culture, decision-making, strategy and operations. The outcome definitely involves better industry practices, wealth creation and a much improved society.

Business is facing challenging times worldwide. Increased competition and commercial pressure are combining with the rising regulatory standards and the consumer demand to create a whole new playing field for business. Traditional expectations of business are also changing. It is no longer enough to simply employ people, make a profit and pay taxes. Companies are now expected to act responsibly, be accountable and benefit the society as a whole.Companies have fast accepted CSR as a norm. These days the social behavior of companies is looked at with telescopic lenses, what with the media playing the role of society's guardian with aplomb. A case of unethical corporate behavior gets enough coverage in all newspapers as well as News channels. Awards have been instituted to encourage CSR among all categories of industries. When factories are set up, an entire township gets created to house the employees and their families. Hospitals, schools, recreational facilities, and a well-developed civic infrastructure are put in place. Among a few visible ethical practices, we have witnessed `transparency' which has seeped into the boardrooms and over the years balance sheets and other financial details of companies are being made available for public viewing.


Global CEO Magazine, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, Decision-Making Process, Corporate Accountability, International Standard Organization, ISO, Unorganized Sectors, Globalization, Corporate Strategies, Corporate Governance, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Economic Development, Social Development.