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HRM Review Magazine:
Blue Print for Measuring Employee Engagement

We have seen it happen many times that an organization that gives best of the remuneration and benefits loses its talented employees to its competitors. The order of the day calls for engaged and loyal employees who are committed to the organization. Engaging employees with the organization's mission, goals, and values has become an important factor in today's business. The article focuses on employee engagement, the importance of engaging employees for better business results and how employee engagement can be measured in an organization.


Despite technological advances and major economic shifts in the last century, employees still remain an organization's most valuable asset. Having the right employees with the right set of skills is a critical success factor in any business today. With the changing environment, both the nature of employment and nature of the employer-employee relationship are evolving. Most organizations have realized that in times like today providing higher remunerations and excellent amenities is not sufficient to retain the employee, who is the most valuable resource of an organization.

The order of the day calls for loyal employees who are emotionally and intellectually attached to the organization. Employee engagement is fast proving to be the ticket for achieving this. In a recently published survey in HR focus about the most important issue for HR professionals in 2006 shows that 60.7% are concerned about employee engagement.

At its core, Employee engagement is all about motivating the employees to give their best to the organization. Engaging employees with the organization's mission, goals and values has become an important factor in today's business success. Employee engagement gauges the relationship of an employee with the employer and it offers practical solutions to issues and concerns between them, if any. For example, when organizations go global or diversify their operations into other businesses, employees feel separated and alienated in such a dispersed workforce. In such scenario, employee engagement helps make the employees feel that they are important in the company and provide them with an organizational identity.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Engagement, Work Culture, Emotional Commitments, Top Management, Customer Loyalty, Organizational Engagement, Organizational Learning, Human Capital Metrics, Employee Development, Organizational Identity.