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HRM Review Magazine:
Building Learning Organizations : Theory and Practice

Learning is a ceaseless process and an open systems approach reflects this process. Building the organizational processes and ensuring growth through diverse training and developmental activities will put the companies on the path of learning. This article stresses that a strong accent on individual creativity and synergies through teamwork go on to create learning organizations.


The world of work is poised at an interesting juncture today. The environment in which organizations function has become highly dynamic. The shrinking boundaries and expanding horizons have highlighted the importance of staying flexible to adapt to the continuously changing environment. The survival of entities is hinged on their agility and their ability to adapt to the constantly changing environment.

The rapid pace of evolution of technologies has made obsolescence a twin word. As new technology ushers in different forms of production and high-end processes, the pace of obsolescence has also been accelerated. Something that was new and welcomed yesterday is bettered by an incremental improvement today and replaced by an innovation tomorrow an innovation that forces the organizations to think in terms of changing their processes and retraining their workforce in order to survive in the rat race of the business world. The need to be flexible is now being felt at the organizational as well as the individual level.

There is a lot of experimentation going on with the organizations trying various out-of-the-box models. They are moving far away from the conventional multi-tier hierarchy to forms like networked models, business process outsourcing, lean practices, dejobbing and the like. The quest for improvement is seen in most of the establishments today. To further their interests and to ensure the maintenance of performance and productivity of the employees their personal and learning needs are being catered to. The evolution of learning organizations then becomes a reality moving beyond the concept meant to explain a few successful organizations.


HRM Review Magazine, Learning Organizations, Decision Making Process, Organizational Processes, Network Models, Business Process Outsourcing, BPO, Organizational Practices, Hi Potential Development Plan, HPDP, Organizational Learning, Talent Management Program, People and Skills Development, PSD.