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HRM Review Magazine:
Globalization and its Impact on HRM in the Corporate Sector

Globalization that is taking place at a breathtaking pace has its impact in the way the HRM systems are designed, implemented, and pursued in organizations. It is increasingly being recognized that effective management of HR is a major determinant of success or failure in the international business. Hence in the era of globalization, it is imperative to focus on the possible alterations to be made in the HRM practices of any enterprise.


Globalization in its true sense is a way of corporate life necessitated, facilitated and nourished by the transnationalization of the world economy and developed by corporate strategies. Globalization is an attitude of mindit is a mindset, which views the entire world as a single market so that the corporate strategy is based on the dynamics of the global environment. Many globalization trends the development of trading blocs, the opening up of national boundaries for trade, and the increasing instances of international strategic alliances have significant influence on the theory and practice of HRM. Application of globalization trends has so far been emphasized only in the areas relating to recruitment, training, appraisal, and reward system and sometimes rarely to HRD problems in strategic alliances, merger joint venture, etc. Keeping the above facts in view, this article aims to bring into light few major implications of globalization to the practices of HRM in the corporate sector.

In the course of globalization, organizations face a number of critical challenges in the form of competition, technical innovations, market-orientation, quality of goods and services, and strategic approach to business performance. The developing countries were in the past against globalization, but now they have opened their doors for globalization. Many people in developed countries like USA are angry with globalization, because the American jobs and wages levels are severely affected by the influx of cheap imports and shifting of production to low cost overseas location.


HRM Review Magazine, Globalization, HRM Systems, World Economy, Corporate Strategies, Global Environment, Corporate Sector, Technical Innovations, Domestic Market, Foreign Market, Organization Structure, Management Culture, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Multinational Companies.