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HRM Review Magazine:
Human Resource Development : Issues and Challenges for 21st Century

In order to face the issues and challenges of the 21st Century, one of the most strategic requirements is Human Resource Development. Human resource is the major contributory factor in enhancing the efficiency and productivity resulting into profitability of an organization. The article focuses on the issues and challenges.


In the present 21st Century, human resource means to recognize the people as an important asset that contributes to the growth and development of business, in the same way as other physical assets contribute. Hence, human resource performance is always judged in terms of skills, expertise and abilities that result in higher efficiency, productivity, and lower cost. With this background the present article deals with major issues and challenges that are having a bearing effect on the performance of human resource or human capital in the organizations.

Globalization has created such an environment wherein it has become imperative for every organization to value and assess the human resources at every point and every stage. What has become inevitable is to harness and develop the human resource or capital, which could contribute positively and constructively to the organization so that the organization could sustain its competitive advantage, which is sine-quo-non for survival of the organization.

Since the intimation of the concept of globalization world over, there has been a radical shift in terms of connotation of the word people. From the early term `personnel administration' got shape as `human resources' and in the present 21st Century the connotation being used is `human capital.' Keeping pace with these changes, the paradigm has also moved from treating employees as a `resource' that is to be consumed and the costs of which should be minimized to treating employees as `assets' that is to be valued and investments in human capital is therefore to be managed.


HRM Review Magazine, Human Resource Development, Globalization, Strategic Assets, Decision-Making Process, Time Management, HR Management, Technological Skills, Knowledge Based Economy, Effective Communications, Human Capital Practices.