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HRM Review Magazine:
Pleasure at the Workplace

While performing duties in our day-to-day life, we come across many challenging circumstances. But at the same time, we all have unrealized potential and dreams to fulfil. One way to turn almost any challenging situation at the workplace is through enjoying our work. It will definitely help make our work more interesting and productive.


Nowadays, we hardly enjoy our work for one reason or the other. This is the reason that stress is becoming more and more pronounced. Research has shown that people with high role efficacy seem to experience less role stress, anxiety, and work related tension. They rely on their own strengths to cope with problems by the use of more purposeful behavior. They are active and interact with people and the environment, persist in solving problems, mostly by themselves and sometimes by taking the help of other people show growth orientation, attitudinal commitment, feel satisfied with life, with their jobs and role in the organization. Role efficacy is also related to the type of roles, location of workplace, length of employment, and age. A climate promoting concern for excellence, use of expertise and concern for the larger issues also contributes to the role efficacy.

According to a latest study on stress levels in the Indian corporate sector, more than 50% of the working people have stress and one of the key results is impairment of work efficiency seen in 44% of the people.

For those taking the workplace load and tension as a fait accompli, it is difficult to even understand what we are talking about. According to Samir Parikh, Consultant Psychiatrist with Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences Department, Max Healthcare, New Delhi, "a healthy work environment is the key to the company's success, but in most cases stress is dominating, resulting in decline of individual productivity. Stress in the workplace is one of the leading problems in today's hectic society. It creates innumerable health issues resulting in decreased productivity, decreased corporate profits, and increased absenteeism."


HRM Review Magazine, Indian Corporate Sector, Stress Management, Non-Financial Perks, Financial Perks, Relaxation Techniques, Socio-Economic Factors, Work Environment, Workplace Zones, Behavior Sciences, Workplace Organizations.