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Advertising Express Magazine:
"Brand Choice"... the Pocket Decides?

This article tries to capture a glimpse of the present day `Branding' which is tailor-made to suit the socio-economic classification of the consumer pool. Brands specially carved out to suit consumer's pocket occupy the center stage of contemporary branding strategy. This article takes a synoptic view at this modern trend in branding and how it has drawn inspiration from `Consumer Behavior'.


Customers play a pivotal role in `Branding Strategy'. The catchphrase "Customer is the king" motivates all brand design and planning. The bedrock of consumer behavior is a `decision making' exercise which is primarily constrained by the consumer's purchasing power or buying capacity besides other factors like tastes preferences habit etc. Purchasing power or the budget constraint is the fulcrum to any consumer's decision-making process.

While buying a branded product a consumer makes a choice which is essentially a decision-making subjected to several constraints. The budget constraint works out to be the most important factor influencing consumer behavior. The consumer aims at maximizing his utility subjected to budget constraint and hence attains an optimal state. This is the core of `Consumer Theory'. The consumer's budget takes into account the price of the products that he buys. Hence the price of the product becomes a governing factor in consumer's decision-making process.

Brands appeal either to the rational or the emotional element in consumers. Price is a factor that is rooted in the rational soil of an individual customer. Emotions and peer influence might rule a customer's mind in such a way that he tends to lay more importance on `brand value'. But rationality often over-rides emotions and hence the price of the branded product holds greater importance.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Choice, DFecision-Making Process, Branding Strategy, Economic Theory, Globalization, Airline Industry, Brand Design Strategies, Marketing Devices, Consumer Buying Behavior, Marketing Styles, Marketing Management, Marketing Strategies.