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Global CEO Magazine:
Diversity : The need for a new paradigm

More and more organizations these days are emphasizing the need for diversity. They are putting in place various mechanisms and processes for creating a diverse work force. Yet many of these moves are viewed with cynicism and ultimately fail to make a tangible impact on the business. At best they are considered politically correct and seen to be serving the interests of traditionally disadvantaged or underrepresented groups such as women and linguistic/religious minorities. At worst, they are considered steps that have to be taken to stay on the right side of the law to avoid social/sexual discrimination suits. This article examines how diversity initiatives can be leveraged to deliver business value for organizations.


Diversity in the context of this article refers to the variety of backgrounds, orientations and experiences of employees within an organization. This variety arises out of educational, cultural, racial, ethnic, age, religious and gender differences. The essence of diversity is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive and nurturing environment. That means having an open mindset, being inclusive, giving legitimacy to these differences and accepting them with a positive outlook.

Many companies look at diversity from a very narrow perspective realizing that disadvantaged groups must be helped to be seen as politically correct. Diversity is a much more powerful concept that, if leveraged effectively, can yield tangible business benefits. Indeed, diversity initiatives will not succeed unless they are designed to make an impact on the business. That can happen only when diversity programs are aligned with the corporate culture and business philosophy. In the absence of an enabling corporate culture and a clear understanding of the objectives, diversity initiatives will fail to take off.


Global CEO Magazine, Corporate Culture, Business Environment, Decision-Making Process, Leadership Styles, Strategic Diversity Management, Organizational Goals, Organizational Objectives, Global Companies, Change Management, Organizational Levels.