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Global CEO Magazine:
Executive stress management

The outlook of organizations in these modern times has shifted from considering their employees as mere people working for them to real assets, the valuable human resource they own. They are getting more concerned about the well-being of their employees. But the cutthroat competition, the deadlines for the work, the changed time schedule, etc., are making employees experience stress. This is affecting the health of the employees which ultimately affects the organizational health also. Hence, organizations are encouraging stress management and are giving more importance to stress audits.


"Many companies have long contended that stress in the home causes productivity loss in the marketplace and it does. But research now reveals that stress on the job causes stress at home. In other words, they feed each other." Dhruv joined Alma Marketing Company a few years ago as an executive. The young and dynamic management graduate of a premium business school relocated himself to a new town for the sake of the job. He enthusiastically participated in adding value to the organization at every task of the organization.

The top management assessed his performance and awarded him with job enrichments, superior positions and premium incentives. Dhruv, in no time, proved himself to be a valuable asset to the organization. This went on for a few years but for the last few months, however, Dhruv appeared to be very restless at work. His meticulousness appeared to have given way to disinterest - as noted by his superiors. This new haphazard working style led to Dhruv committing mistakes, thereby reducing the team's productivity. The task which he could earlier complete within a stipulated time started taking longer. He remained absent from work continuously. Twice, he was admitted to a nursing home: Once due to muscular contractions and the second time due to overdose of sleeping pills. His immediate superiors were seriously concerned at the way things turned out.


Global CEO Magazine, Modern Organizations, Stress Management, Marketing Companies, Organizational Change, Decision-Making Process, Organizational Problem, Executive Stress Audit, Strategic Planning, Executive Management, Risk Management, Total Quality Management, TQM, Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A.