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Global CEO Magazine:
Mentoring : A guide to excellence

Day by day the world is becoming more complex and decision-making has become a critical aspect of management. When fresh talent enters the corporate world, he faces a tough time and badly needs a person who can show him the right path. A mentor is one who takes the pain on behalf of the protégé and shows the right path to ensure his success. Nowadays, mentoring has become the lifeblood of a successful organization. This article talks about different facets of mentoring and also explores the ways to bridge the gap between fiction and reality.


"I really never anticipated reaching this level of success, but thanks to mentors who believed in me along the way, I am extremely grateful that I have." Since our childhood we have always experienced the guidance and suggestions of our parents and teachers in every walk of life. It is really a tough time for an individual who moves from the safe haven of classroom to the bizarre corporate world with lots of dreams. In the corporate life, though there are no formal exams one will be tested everyday. The results do not appear in the report card but one can feel the difference at the time of performance appraisal.

While one's class performance affects only oneself, contrastingly one's performance at workplace affects the organization as a whole. Additionally, performance in a class is individual-centered, whilst corporate performance is not individual-centric but affects both superiors and subordinates also. Hence, in the light of such performance repercussions mentoring assumes importance. It is all about preparing and guiding the new entrant to be on the right track in order to ensure success on the professional front.

`Mentoring' is a word which is traced back to its roots from Greek literature, illustrated in the Greek epic,The Odyssey. Odysseus son's teacher, donned the dual role of a coach/mentor to his son and the role of friend to Odysseus. His character as a mentor served as a teacher, advisor and the role model in Homer's masterpiece. Most of the mentors today serve in much the same way.


Global CEO Magazine, Mentoring, Decision-Making Process, Corporate Performance Management, Organizational Culture, Organizational Behavior, Information Technology, IT, Global Software Companies, Business Strategy, Private Sectors, Leadership Styles, Business Models.