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Advertising Express Magazine:
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Multibranding in International Marketing

Considering the competition in hasty globalization, the brand battlefield requires many skills and continuous support from both the management and the marketers. This article emphasizes the importance of multibranding, the right time to activate it, and the profitability and risks involved along with the essentials of multibranding in the international scenario


Advertising and promotion are important cogs in the marketing wheel of a company. Competitions, coupled with technological evolution, has opened newer vistas for all marketing professionals. This article discusses the impact of the latest developments in the advertising and promotional sphere on the market, the extent to which they have been successful, and emphasizes the need for an India-centric model.

Advertising and promotion determine the success of products and services in the marketplace. Companies spend substantial amount of their revenues to first have significant mind share which they subsequently try to convert into market share. The types of advertising and promotional methods adopted by companies have evolved over the years. Companies have roped in brand ambassadors; have tied up with various other companies making complimentary products to ensure their brands create the desired image in the mind of all prospective customers. Many companies have joined this frenetic bandwagon of advertising and promotion to such extent that they at times fail even to check the returns on their valuable investments. Moreover, this clutter created both in the print and electronic media pose new barriers and challenges to companies, which already witness a decline in sales and revenues, thanks to the inflation and global downturn. All these developments coupled with innovation and creativity taking center stage in this field have brought new dimensions to the fore.

Advertising has caught the fancy of all professionals as modern day marketers consider it as an integral component of all communications taking place between the company and its customers. The modern approaches to advertising adopted by companies have undergone a paradigm shift in the last few years, thanks to the emergence of new technology and globalization.


Multibranding, International Marketing, Hasty Globalization, Branding Strategy, Business Environment, Customer Relationship Management, CRM, Consumer Electronics Sector, Knowledge Management, International Markets.