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Advertising Express Magazine:
The Dynamic Customer : Indian Woman

This article is about a unique and unpredictable customer—the Indian woman—and her journey from being just another ntity to the most sought-after buyer. This is an India-centric critique that traces the growth and evolution of Indian woman customer from being vulnerable to become one of the the most preferred customer in the country. It also discusses the journey of an advertiser who has kept track of her development and understood her intricate psychology to devise successful ad strategies to woo her.


The consumer is not a moron, she is your wife.A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction.Writers and poets have, since ages, been considered almost as good as anthropologists in their observation of human behavior; but to understand a woman has always been an insurmountable task for them. In contemporary times, an advertiser has been added to the list of these observers and his fate is no different! For a communication specialist (marketing communicator), it has never been easy to completely understand these customers.

India's booming economy is on an upward surge; the markets for various products are growing and evolving, catering to the different needs of the customer. In the humongous crowd of Indians, the most difficult to please is the `Modern Metro Woman' as she is not like crying `Tulsi' or the ever so idealistic `Parvati' or the unrealistic `Bani' lead characters from Balaji Television serials. She is the life and soul of modern India, the strong influence behind young India. She is a homemaker, a successful working woman, a mother, a wife, a daughter and much more; she is a multitasker and a multiple-role player.

Everybody expects her to perform in all her roles and consequently, there is a lot of pressure on her, though she manages it with poise and grace. To please her, therefore, is not easy! This woman also has shades of grey, is practical, loving, expressive and sometimes, even unreasonable and demanding.


Advertising Express Magazine, Dynamic Customers, Indian Woman, Anthropologists, Marketing Communicator, Indian Advertisements, Decision Maker, Cosmetic Industries, Marketing Strategies, Advertising Strategy, Grocery Stores, Social Workers.