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Advertising Express Magazine:
Shopping Trolley Advertising : Marketing at Retail

Shopping trolley advertising generates great interest in the product and increases the product trials. Various researches have concluded that normally, each consumer spends, on average, 30-40 minutes inside a store. Again, on an average, a trolley user looks down at the trolley once in every 8-10 seconds. Thus, a consumer views the messages on the shopping cart roughly 180 times during his shopping journey. This statistics prove the worth of shopping trolley advertising.


Shopping trolleys present a great opportunity to the marketer as a medium for the Point of Purchase (POP) advertising. Not only the cost but the effectiveness also makes this medium very exciting for marketing at retail. Shopping trolley advertising is essentially advertising in front of the shoppers' eyes as they move inside the store. The essence of the shopping trolley or grocery cart advertising is the view that the shopping trolley accompanies the customer all the way through shopping trip. It reinforces the brand awareness, keeps the brand on top of the mind and also enhances the sales volume. It generates interest in the product and increases the product trials. The biggest advantage of this is to combine the product, consumers and their attention to influence the buying decision at the time of purchase. Various researches proved that with the help of shopping trolley advertising, marketers have increased their reach and been able to move the sales curve upward. In the era of fragmented media and tight marketing budget, shopping trolley advertising is a practical solution to various issues being faced by brand marketers.

Advertisements on the trolley with the help of posters and placards provide concrete and manifold exposures of the brand inside the retail outlet. Various researches concluded that each consumer spends normally, on average, 30-40 minutes inside the store. On an average, a trolley user looks down at the trolley once in every 8-10 seconds. These multiple exposures help the brand marketer/advertiser to influence the purchase decision. This tool also works very effectively as a reminder tool. Especially, this medium is very effective in promoting the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) brand.


Advertising Express Magazine, Shopping Trolley Advertising, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, FMCG, Integrated Marketing, Retail Communications, Advertising Campaigns, Mobile Media, Marketing Investment, Advanced Technology, Media Strategy.