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Global CEO Magazine :

This article presents different initiatives in the field of knowledge management and strategies in terms of codification and personalization that are being adopted by different consulting companies. It also presents the lessons learnt and the challenges faced by various consulting companies when implementing knowledge management initiative.


Consulting services saw a tremendous growth in the 1980s and 1990s. By the late 1990s, the industry was worth $62 bn with about 140,000 consultants involved in the industry. Consulting became popular because of the expertise it provided which was not available inside the firm and was considered as a means to address different needs of different organizations to improve their performance through business analysis. Actions included development of future plans, identification of best practices, technology implementation, analysis, change management and training skills, etc. Various methodologies for problem identification and strategy planning were used by these companies. Consulting companies used a variety of tools and techniques like Market Strategy Matrix to solve business problems.

The broad segments in consulting are management consulting, strategy consulting, information technology consulting and industry-specific consulting. While some consulting firms like IBM Global Services and Deloitte Consulting offered various specialized services that covered management, strategy, IT and industry-specific consulting, there are other consulting companies like McKinsey that offers only management consulting and small consulting firms like First Manhattan that focuses on a particular industry and offers only services in banking.

As knowledge is the core aspect of any consulting company, these companies invests millions of dollars to improve knowledge sharing among their employees throughout the world. The objective of any Knowledge Management (KM) initiative in a consultancy firm is to capture the valuable experiences and knowledge of an employee. In the 1990s, many consulting companies started implementing KM initiatives like portals, communities, networks, etc. Consultants used their company's knowledge centers extensively to assess previous presentations given to other clients, to assess best practices and other information related to projects like problems incurred, and what is done to solve the problem. This not only saved time and effort, but affected the revenues and the quality of the projects.


Global Ceo Magazine, Market Strategy Matrix, Knowledge Management, Global Services, e-Learning Program, Information Technology Companies, Consulting Services, Business Analysis, Return of Investment, RoI, information Systems, Global Consulting Firms, Knowledge Management Initiatives, Organizational Knowledge.