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HRM Review Magazine :

The utility of self-rating or self-appraisal is a subject of hot debate in human resource literature. The days of traditional supervisor-subordinate performance evaluations have gone. Due importance is given to self-appraisals done by employees themselves nowadays. Self-appraisal is an important part of the performance appraisal process where an employee himself gives the feedback or his views regarding his performance. It brings to appraiser's notice certain relevant facts which could have otherwise escaped his notice. It thus helps in producing a more balanced and objective report. This case study examines how successful is the self-appraisal system in taking various decisions in public sector and private sector banks as viewed by appraisers and appraisees.The effectiveness of self-appraisal system depends to a great degree on how well the data generated by the system is utilized for various administrative and development purposes and to what extent it is successful in the overall growth and development of human resources.


The self-appraisal system as a mechanism or a tool has been introduced in banking organizations for a variety of purposes. One of the major goals of the self-appraisal system is to help develop people by way of creating greater awareness of what they perform and how they perform. It is a key in the hands of appraisees to reflect upon their own competencies and highlight their achievements. It is the best way through which employees make their organizations aware of their training needs. Another goal is to bring people together within hierarchical structure where superior-subordinate interactive relationships are transcended into teamwork with dual focus on goal attainment and greater employee commitment.

In the recent past, research studies have shown that only a few organizations are satisfied with their existing performance appraisal system. Researchers indicate that, quite often, appraisal system practices are ill-designed in most organizations (Lathem and Wexley, 1982 and Rao, 1992). This is mainly due to the fact that the existing system is not effective in terms of various appraisal-based decisions and improvements within the organizations. The reason being the objective of this system is not spelt out, nor made known to the employees. Performance appraisal should be carried out with a view to increasing the consistency, fairness and accuracy of employee appraisal because the information generated from such performance appraisal programs is generally used to implement certain administrative and development decisions regarding selection, placement, promotion, appraisal rewards, termination and training and development.


HRM Review Magazine, Public and Private Sector Banks, Human Resource Literature, Growth and Development, Banking Organizations, Training and Development, Statistical Techniques, ICICI Bank, Self-Appraisal System, Standard Deviation, Performance Appraisal System.