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HRM Review Magazine :

Disability per se is a drag on one's personality. Without opportunity, disability is a burden. Already, there is enough misery all around and the pain of disability increases it further. But there is a silver lining that has to be illustrated and illuminated by the disabled themselves. The history of the world is nothing but the biographies of abled and disabled, because the hope of the world lies in their deeds and words.


The history of the only Earth we have is an admixture of candid stories of super-performances by the abled and the disabled. In this context, some of the great and rare success stories of the disabled which are heart-rending and worthy of offering a bouquet of thousand roses are at times getting published in some journals and find place in some forums. Yet, I strongly believe that there are thousands of unsung, unheard, unknown and unseen disabled personalities dwelling amongst us, serving people in particular and society in general silently, selflessly and sincerely like the unknown soldiers defending our country day in and day out enabling all of us to sleep peacefully at our houses.

"If abled are gold, disabled are diamond" is a simple but perhaps a forceful statement. The following meritorious illustrations of exemplary contributions to community first and to humanity next by the disabled, will vouchsafe the validity of the above pronouncement, that will enrich, empower and enthuse all of us, who are yet to be active, creative and innovative in our life. It is sad but true that there are many among us though fully abled, do nothing worth mentioning while the physically challenged, even if they survive against all odds it is to be regarded as a great feat in our insensitive society. Undoubtedly the State through its people has to do a lot to look after the disabled urgently because the gift of life is available to the abled and the disabled only once.


HRM Review Magazine, Disabled are Diamond, Thomas Alva Edison, Meritorious illustrations, Computer Support Mechanism, American Express, Online Shopping, Innovative Solutions, Olympic Games, Edward Stanley Temple, Sydney Paralympic Games, London Marathon.