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MBA Review Magazine :

Many women leaders such as Indira Nooyi, Anne Mulcahy, Meg Whitman and Kiran Majumdar Shah are well-known for their leadership qualities. Under their supervision, their respective organizations are achieving great success even in today's highly volatile market conditions. The objective of this article is to discuss leadership skills, especially from a feminist point of view.


As the competition in the global business environment is increasing rapidly, the role of women as business leaders and managers occupying the top slots in organizations is equally on the rise. Women are competing at a par with their male counterparts, revealing various styles and traits in achieving success. Women leaders are more assertive and persuasive, have a stronger need to get things done, are more willing to take risks than male leaders, are able to lead Multinational Companies (MNCs) and implement the best turnaround strategies, considerably changing the performance of the organization and proving that they are in no way inferior to their male counterparts.

Nowadays, the biggest hue and cry is about woman leadership or management. Earlier on, in every occupation in society, male dominance was prominent. Women were managing everything from household chores to bringing up their children within the four walls of their houses. With the passage of time and with the increase in the levels of women's education, they have joined men in the outside world by coming out of their houses. The present scenario is that women are gaining prominence in every type of profession. The glass ceiling is broken now. Women are now teachers, doctors, lawyers, managers, leaders, CEOs and even defence officials. They are bold and competent and are, hence, giving tough competitions to their rivals in all sectors of life inclusive of the corporate sector.

A leader is one who makes others follow and no doubt women make others follow them quite easily. Do not take it in the wrong sense! Actually, women are good listeners, patient, hard- working and warm by nature. These traits of women make them good leaders. They listen carefully to the problems of their subordinates and, as far as possible, if the problem is genuine, they try to solve it sincerely instead of manipulating the issues. Similarly, they try to finish their assigned projects on time with every possible effort they can put into it. Several researches reveal that they are willing to take more risks than their male counterparts. Hence, if the organization is having a woman manager, one can see more discipline in the organization. All the subordinates tend to finish their assignments on time as their manager is resolving their every problem by providing a congenial atmosphere to work in. This is the reason why organizations are preferring woman managers these days.


MBA Review Magazine, Leadership Skills of Women, Volatile Markets, Global Business Environment, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Corporate Sectors, Intelligence Quotient, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Management Skills, Emotional Intelligence Quotient, Decision-Making Process, Investment Banking.