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MBA Review Magazine :

This noble, hard-working gentleman's unique success story stands as an excellent example of how education can unchain and transform when seemingly nothing else can. He is none other than Dr. Narendra Jadhav. He is perhaps best known to millions of Indians, particularly many of its 165 million Dalits, for his books Amcha Baap Aan Amhi (Our Father and Us), Outcast—Life and Triumphs of an Untouchable Family in India and Untouchables, My Family's Triumphant Journey Out of the Caste System in Modern India.


Let me share the wonderful success story of the Dalit from Wadala Slum who reached up to become the Chief Economist of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). He is currently the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Pune, which is a premier institution of higher education in India and one of the largest Universities in the world with more than five lakh students, 433 affiliated graduate colleges and 232 recognized Institutes. It is the inspiration and motivation of his father as well as his unending quest to learn and study more and more that fetched him these top honors and set him on the road to success.

Jadhav’s schooling was divided between a municipal primary school and a private secondary Role Model school, both united in the poverty of the children sitting in the classrooms. His ambition changed all the time.


MBA Review Magazine, Role Model, Caste Systems, Dr. Narendra Jadhav, Samarth Bharat Abhiyan, Rural Development Program, Social Engagement, International Monetary Fund, IMF, Reserve Bank of India, RBI, Economic Theory, Career Economists.