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MBA Review Magazine :

Today, soft skills are essential for any job and complement hard skills. However, the hard truth is that soft skills get little attention and this may break one’s career. People who are proficient in soft skills can really make progress at work.


Soft skills, as opposed to hard skills like technical skills, focuses on those elements of training that require changes in behavior and thinking. They are the traits and abilities of attitude and behavior, rather than of knowledge or technical aptitude. Soft skills are also being called as the 21st century skills and are the key to enterprise, entrepreneurship, and leadership, as well as underlying many other social issues. Even so, the education sector and the government policies continue to treat soft skills as desirable rather than essential. Against increasing concerns of talent scarcity, many sectors worryingly report inadequate levels of required talent. Today, many employers are facing the challenge of hiring employees who are either new to the workforce or making the difficult transition to meet their demands. This is mainly due to the lack of an effective mechanism to manage. Soft skills have long been ignored badly and dealt poorly by most educational courses and training institutions.

Penelope Tobin, Founder and Creative Director, Barrier Breakers defines, "Soft skills engender automatic chains of emotional and physiological responses which have an immensely real impact within the mind, body, and society at large." They are inherent human capabilities and competencies that exist within everyone to some level. They can be used without requiring special knowledge, aptitude, talent or intelligence. If a particular skill is not used by a person, it is not because it does not exist, but because it is blocked by barriers that need to be recognized and removed. Once those barriers are recognized and broken down, one can excavate into a far richer vein of ability and extract more of our capacity thus bringing benefits for ourselves, employers, and society. Soft skills are now essential factors for social and economic development. Soft skills traits that most employers look for when they recruit employees include effective communication, leadership, teamwork research skills and analytical ability.

Strengthening one's soft skills is very important and it takes on a completely different approach from that of learning hard skills. Reading books, articles and attending conferences/networking will definitely help one to move in the right direction. Another source to get started is by mastering material in workshops offered by the career counseling centers. Apart, from this practice makes a man perfect. Like any other thing in life, a little bit of practice may help a person go a long way.


MBA Review Magazine, Soft Skills, Technical Skills, Education Sector, Economic Development, Competitive Markets, Decision Making Skills, Social Skills, Management Education System, Emotional Intelligence, Soft Skills Assessments, Self Management Skills.