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Advertising Express Magazine:
Consumer as Brand Ambassador

With the exponential growth of media leading to product and service saturation, consumers are exposed to so much choice that marketing with versatile strategies only makes the difference. In this new world of marketing, consumer ambassadors act as the key influence on the future customers. They spread the latest news through their network. Social media websites like YouTube and other viral marketing techniques are used to swell the marekting message prospectively to millions of people at the click of a mouse.


In today's marketing scenario, building a loyal and passionate consumer ambassador who supports the product and evangelizes everyone who listens to him creates magic. "Word-of-mouth marketing is more effective and leads to higher revenue growth," emphasize Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell in their book, Citizen Marketers: When People are the Message. The book continues. "It is a driver of business. However, it also means you have to think differently. Traditionally, marketing has been all about controlling the message. Now you don't have control—you can't just go and make an ad, you have to embrace these folks." Marketers are banking on the fact that people give more importance to suggestions from their friends, relatives and associates than an anonymous marketer. So, the involvement of customers as a part of ad campaigns can be more fruitful than just thrusting the information on them.

Customers are fanatical about the brand. Fanning the flame of the customers' love for the brand will actually reduce the advertisers' effort. "You've always been able to find customers who love a brand so much they want to tell others and recruit," say Jackie Huba and Ben McConell in their book. The book adds "In the past few years, these evangelists have become more powerful and measurable. There has been a democratization of technology, the availability of broadband, and the development of social media. Ordinary people will now create content about brands—videos, websites, blogs—for all the world to see. The Internet is the new vehicle for word-of-mouth marketing."


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Ambassador, Word-of-mouth Marketing, Social Media, Viral Marketing Techniques, Social Networks, Marketing Agencies, Viral Advertising, Viral Marketing, Online Marketing Strategy, Grassroots Advertising, Conversational Marketing, Advertising Strategies.