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Advertising Express Magazine:
Endorsement by Celebrities: A Brand Revolution in Marketing and Advertising of Products

In the modern milieu of a variety of products and brands, competition among the corporates to stay afloat has become intense. A common strategy used by the corporates in this scenario is the endorsements of products and brands by celebrities. It is an established fact that employing popular celebrities in the promotional campaigns pays dividends in the long run. A good `match' between the image of the celebrity and the product is of course, essential for success.


There has been a tremendous upsurge in the field of advertising and marketing in recent years, thanks to the intense competition among several brands of products. Whether it is the print or the electronic media, a veritable flood of ads constantly claims the attention of readers and viewers. Consumers are continuously urged to purchase some brand of soap or talcum powder or beauty cream. And this extends to a multitude of products ready-made apparel, shoes, furniture items, refrigerators, motor cars and what not! Often, the people cannot resist the barrage and yield to the temptation of buying.

In such a climate of an abundance of products under different brands manufactured by different companies, it is not surprising to find corporates resorting to various methods to beat the competition. Celebrity endorsements have become omnipresent in today's marketing world with almost every company roping in celebrities for brand building. These celebrities work as the `brand ambassadors'either subtly, or deliberately pointing to the virtues of the products they endorse.

The success of celebrity endorsement depends to a great extent on the credibility of the person who endorses the product and also that of the company which sells it. There are instances of the endorser not using the product he or she espouses in which case his or her credibility comes into question. The company might have been selling a particular product for decades without getting any complaint, but competition from other brands erodes the revenues. However, if the credibility of the company is high (as revealed by the popularity of the product), it can successfully beat the competition.


Advertising Express Magazine, Celebrity Endorsements, Brand Marketing, promotional campaigns, electronic media, brand ambassadors, Celebrity advertising, Celebrity endorsers, global marketing, celebrity marketing, advertising companies.