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Advertising Express Magazine:
Role of Internet in Brand Marketing

With the rapid development of the Internet, online brand development has become very important for the companies. The Internet offers new opportunities to build and strengthen the brand. Despite the unique abilities of this medium, the basic principles of brand marketing remain the sameuse every opportunity to strengthen brand identity, to build upon the intangible emotional connection in the mind of the consumer and integrate the brand deeply into the consumer's mind.


The global economic downturn has affected companies all over the world. Brand owners are looking for new ways to cut costs, increase their return on investments and sharpen their marketing efforts, so as to make their brands more responsive to consumer trends. In today's turbulent times, an effective and innovative marketing medium is a huge competitive advantage to the brand. Brand marketers, today, have realized the potential of a new cost-effective marketing and advertising space—the Internet. India, with a population of over one billion, is potentially a huge market for brand marketers to explore. A recent study by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) pointed out that there are 45.3 million active Internet users in India.

In spite of the slowdown, Indian Internet users shopped more frequently online in the fourth quarter of 2008 than in the same period in 2007. According to a recently published report, Economic Crisis and Preference for Online Shopping in Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, by MasterCard Worldwide, the average frequency of online purchases in India increased to 2.9% in October-December 2008, up from 2.6% during the same period in 2007. The top three most popular online purchases consisted of airline tickets (54%), home appliances and electronic products (48%) and CDs/DVDs/VCDs (44%). Thus, Internet provides an effective and powerful platform to brand marketers for marketing their products and services.

The Internet can be an effective tool for brand marketers through two primary ways, i.e., rapid scalability and cost-effectiveness. Internet as a marketing channel makes huge business sense. Brand marketers are leveraging the power of Internet as an online marketing medium to give their products more visibility and generate more sales. At present, India has one of the largest population of Internet users in the world. These Internet users are the most sought-after customers as they have high disposable incomes and brand marketers with clear online media plans are making efforts to reap the benefits of connecting with these audiences. The Internet presents an opportunity to the brand marketers to create awareness about the brands with low investment and manifold impact.


Advertising Express Magazine, Brand Marketing, Online Brand Development, Innovative Marketing, Economic Crisis, Online Marketing, Electronic Products, Social Networking, Online Advertising, Online Campaigns, Social Media Applications, Online Communities, Marketing Strategies.