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Advertising Express Magazine:
Pester Power in Advertisements: A Positive Stride

Pester power has always been associated with a negative meaning and has been viewed as an unethical tactic used by marketers. Of late, however, marketers have been using this persuasive habit to promote positive behavior among children through advertisements. This has led to a new concept: Positive Pester Power. This article concentrates on the various efforts taken by the organizations to generate a positive pester power among the kids.


Children are the citizens of the future, and they have their own values and ideas. Positive ideas and values need to be induced into the child right from a young age. The same is the case of pester power also. The nagging power of the children can be used in a positive manner. If the kids can nag their parents for junk food or an expensive toy, they can nag them for a vegetarian meal or a book too. Sometimes, they even make the elders think about the ways to solve some serious problems. Once the values and ideas are ingrained into the young minds, they will surely become `good citizens'.

Making our planet a greener one is the thought for the day. Global warming has become a cause for concern. Through various commercials, marketers are sensitizing the kids about the ill-effects of global warming. Eco kids—kids influenced by these ads—across the world are encouraging their parents to plant trees, protesting against deforestation and much more. The efforts taken by the school authorities and clubs are praiseworthy here. Children are even talking to their parents about garbage management to make the neighborhood garbage-free. These simple steps taken by the authorities will work wonders in terms of protecting nature and healing the planet.


Advertising Express Magazine, Pester Power, Ethical Kids Marketing, Eco Kids, Global Warming, Sprouty Monday, Veggie Wednesday, Fruity Friday, Innovative Products, PCRA, Petrol Conservation Research Association, Natural Ingredients, Scientific Ingredients, Television Commercials, Creative Advertisements, Cartoon Network, Kiddy Marketers.