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Tourism Development and Marketing: Lessons from Egypt

Egypt is among the comparatively more popular and renowned tourism destinations in the world. It is a developing country; and the general conditions faced by a foreign tourist are in many ways similar to those in India. Just like India, Egypt too is primarily known for the heritage and cultural dimensions of tourism, but is now diversifying into modern-day tourism offerings, including golfing, diving, beach resorts, etc. Egypt's experience in the development of its tourism sector is, therefore, of immense interest and relevance in the Indian context.


Today, Egypt stands out as a fascinating tourist destination, combining the magnificence of its heritage with an eager spirit for positive change. Egypt has always been the pioneer in innovation—for instance, the creation of the hieroglyphic writing and the world's most impressive monuments, like the Pyramids at Giza, and the temples at Abu Simbel and Karnak (Exhibit). Its intriguing society reveals a fascinating past. As the country has been a witness to the rise and fall of numerous civilizations, each one has left a lasting mark on Egypt's cultural landscape. Over thousands of years, Egypt has been shaped by the influences of several rulers including the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, French and British.

Tourism in Egypt has witnessed rapid growth over the past decade, with an annual growth rate of 10%, as against the global average of 7%. This growth has been coupled with the increase in hotel capacities, hotel occupancy levels, international tourist revenues, among a host of other parameters. Egypt enjoys a commanding share of around 25% of the Middle East tourism market.

The tourism sector is a significant contributor to Egypt's GDP and employment, with direct shares of 4.4% and 7% respectively. However, if secondary/indirect effects are also considered, these percentages rise to 11.6% and 15% respectively. Tourism is also the largest foreign exchange earner for the country.


Advertising Express Magazine, Tourism Development, Tourism Marketing, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Tourism Sectors, Egyptian Tourism Sector, Cultural Tourism, Egyptian Tourist Authority, ETA, National Government Organizations, NGOs, Infrastructure Projects, Tourism Investments.