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Global CEO Magazine:
Real Options Valuation : Real Challenges

This article looks at issues and challenges that real options have to face and as to why it is still not popular in the market, even though as a financial instrument it has a far reaching industrial application.


The theory of real options was made popular by Michael J Mauboussin, the Chief US Investment Strategist for Credit Suisse First, Boston and an Adjunct Professor of Finance at the Columbia School of Business. The use of real options in real business provides a better flexibility in making business decisions. An alternative term for real options is strategic options. Real options have strategic value only if there is management flexibility and an uncertainty about the outcome.

For a real option, the underlying asset is the value of your business. The options theory applies to the tangible side of business transaction and also the real options can be applied to the strategic/intangible or the virtual aspect of business. Since real options are on real assets, on business decisions, non-tradability of real options is fairly a large concern. For example, an option to expand the plant or abandon it are issues specific to the business and unlike financial derivatives, cannot be traded in financial exchanges.

The importance of real options comes from the flexibility that it offers in formulation of business strategy or financial analysis. In the traditional valuation technique of the discounted cash flow method, Net Present Value (NPV) of a project can give only a stationary or static view of the net cash flow or the investment opportunity. The NPV method does not attach value for `what-if' situations, like `what-if' we start the project one year later, what if we wanted to abandon the project at a premature stage, etc.


Global CEO Magazine, Financial Instrument, Business Strategy, Financial Analysis, Net Present Value, NPV, Management Decisions, Decision Making, Organizational Mission, Strategic Decision, Risk Management, Investment Opportunities, General Motors, GM, Financial Derivatives.