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MBA Review Magazine:
Avoiding Wastage During Recession: Need of the Hour

Cost cutting has become the order of the day, be it in a family or in an organization. More often than not, it is observed that the line of difference between useful necessity and expensive wants is too thin for an anxious head of the family or organization to take note of. What one needs to understand is that the money spent on waste needs to be curbed. For this, one has to understand what waste is.


The whole world is reeling under recession. The matter of concern now is not what led to recession as much as what can be done to sustain oneself at the micro level, despite the onslaught. The question is how each one of us can minimize the burden on ourselves. That is the need of the hour. Seminars and symposiums are being held to discuss the cause and fallout. Outlook Money, in its issue dated 11.03.09, mentioned that the slowdown will continue till 2010 and the possibilities of it deteriorating further till 2014 are not ruled. But at the micro level, each one of us will have to fortify ourselves from the onslaught of the recession attack.

Recently, in one of the personality development sessions, the effect of negative change on each of us, our approach to negative change and how the approach should be constructive were being discussed with young adults. It was surprising to note that the `recession factor' has not percolated to the level of offsprings in families. The young adults who are one of the most affected by recession in terms of jobs, have a distant approach. Typical Indian attitude of `it will not affect us' is a very disturbing trend. What needs to be understood is why the young adults are so indifferent to the onslaught of recession? Is it ignorance or lack of awareness of the magnitude of the problem or is it the overprotective approach of parents? The problem was being handled at the level of parents. In organizations it had not hit till the employees were given pink slips.

The point here is about saving ourselves from the further onslaught at a very micro level which most may find ridiculous. Practical solutions or pragmatic approach to a problem or life in general is always simple - too simple to be taken seriously. That is the paradox. The tendency is to go for larger than life solutions to seemingly large problems. Somewhere the focus and the simplicity get lost. Warren Buffet's advice for 2009 has very simple solutions to the problem which is being discussed. He says, "Beware of small expenses; A small leak can sink a large ship." With the firm belief that charity begins at home, the measures to be taken by each at homes, organizations and institutions were discussed. It was encouraging to know that, with the application of mind through the exercise of mind mapping, almost all the youth present in the class, irrespective of the financial positions of their providers, were aware of steps to be taken to fortify what one has and save oneself from drifting further towards financial insecurity.


MBA Review Magazine, Economic Backgrounds, Psychological Gratification, Recession Looming Large, Life Style, Human Psychology, Actual Requirement, Unproductive Human Resource, Development Sessions, Financial Setbacks