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MBA Review Magazine:
Destination MBA

Smart MBAs are dedicated, studious and focused on their destination, and their intended career paths are very clear cut. They have the tenacity to cling on until they achieve success and are pro-active in seeking what they want. Modern organizations strongly believe that teamwork is of the essence. In many instances, it has been proved that effective team members make better decisions and can devise new ways to perform tough tasks. Prudent MBAs know that one's attitude influences the behavior of one's peers. So, brand new MBAs need varied job skills and dexterity to demonstrate their dynamism in undertaking hard business pursuits.


After globalization, MBA has become a fad and many youngsters are going to take up the course. Students, as well as working professionals, aim at MBA for faster career growth. Industry Experts believe that even though the world is caught in an economic slump, the field of management education has not been affected much. Despite slowdown, the flow of students appearing for entrance exams is increasing in gigantic proportion. It is vital that institutes train students completely to make them suitable for the job market. An MBA graduate without interpersonal skills and organizational abilities can be a misfit in today's corporate world.

Entrepreneurship requires use of one's grey cells and perspicacity. Managerial skills are inextricable to become a people's manager and to achieve the desired goals. Modern organizations will become increasingly flat from their hierarchal structure. Experts agreed that global business world desperately require leadership qualities and effective team playing skills in all employees. Lack of soft skills is an impediment to professional growth. So, it is the duty of management institutions in making management education effective to cater to the needs of industry. Hence MBA program must nurture corporate job skills and has to be designed to enhance aspirants' hidden potentialities to accelerate their career growth and gain new knowledge in business. Many MBAs lack necessary job skills to perform certain tasks in the earlier days of their employment. Hence, they may find the work difficult and lose self-confidence. HR managers say that, instead of losing confidence, MBA students should direct all energies towards acquiring various corporate skills during the initial days of the MBA program. Young MBAs must strive hard to nurture new skills to show good performance even in the first job itself.

Most B-Schools and MBA colleges have focused much on campus placements and consider it as a measure of success. Obviously, students measure their success in terms of the pay package they are offered in the campus placement. Even job providing companies also concentrate on a single measure of success-student's rankings. Hence, the primary role of management institutions is to impart knowledge and skill-based learning to young MBAs through various task-oriented assignments. Now, B-Schools and reputed management institutes realize that mere classroom lectures may not enable MBAs to impress the potential employers. Hence, they endeavor to upgrade their curriculum to make MBA aspirants more vibrant. It's true that skills learned during the MBA program will change the overall personality of students and have an identifiable impact on their professional life in future. At present, all management institutions try to groom their students as industry ready professionals. Due to many reasons, all MBAs do not secure lucrative positions.


MBA Review Magazine, Working Professionals, Industry Experts, Economic Slump, Management Education, Interpersonal Skills, Managerial Skills, Modern Organizations, Global Business world, Leadership Qualities, Corporate Job Skills, Indian Institute of Management, IIMs, Economic Eecession, Business Environment