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MBA Review Magazine:
Recession: A Great Opportunity for Innovation

The year 2008 has spelled doom for the global business community. Many global giants, like the automobile giant, General Motors, that had ruled the world in many sectors, were reduced to approaching the US Federal Reserve with a begging bowl. People have suddenly lost faith in investment gurus like Warren Buffet and Alan Greenspan. Their predictions of the stock markets suddenly seemed to go wrong and the markets crashed, with little or no sign of recovery. But despite all odds, some in the field have tried to make an opportunity out of these difficult times, while the others were merely blaming all and sundry for their woes.


As the economy continues to face turbulent times, companies and organizations feel tempted to cut costs, resulting in little or no innovation. But many fail to understand that this can lead to disasters like death of the company once the recession is over. So as many experts in the industry opine, it's wise not to take recession as a chance to have a laid-back approach to things, but take it as an opportunity to charge out with extra vigor so that you can easily stand out from the competitors once the bad times are over. This means increasing accessibility and affordability and tapping the underserved market. This requires training and coaching sales and marketing staff so that they master powerful consultative and innovation skills to turn a prospect into a client.

According to Stephen Shapiro, a writer and a Business Consultant, "If you are truly innovative, you will fail. If you don't fail, you are playing it safe. Therefore, if you are going to fail, Fail Cheaply." He adds, "Before You Can Multiply, You Must First Learn to Divide." According to him, the idea behind this is that if you want to grow your business, you must learn to partner with others - and give them a slice of your success. Also, one must be careful not to indulge in extravagant luxury during this period.

Recession doesn't mean that the world has come to a standstill. It just means that certain business has become unwanted and certain others must innovate and reinvent themselves to suit the society's needs. It is an opportunity for the corporate world to rectify the flaws that caused the present system to fail.

Thus, it is an opportunity in disguise for those who seek and pursue it. Regardless of what happens to the economy, people still have needs and it is these needs that young and budding entrepreneurs need to capitalize on.


MBA Review Magazine, Global Business Community, Automobile Giant, General Motors, Stock Markets, Hewlett-Packard, Supplying Laptops, Computers, Mortgage Loans, Self-employment, Wal-Mart, South West Airlines, Harvard Business School, Good Economic