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MBA Review Magazine:
Personnel Management

Personnel Management is a multidimensional dynamic concept which indicates the dignity of the individual as being paramount. Each person is different from others and that an individual naturally attempts to enhance his or her personality, self-development and self-esteem amongst colleagues and friends.


The abbreviation EMI stands for Employment, Management and Improvement, which are the three essential functions of the department of Personnel Management (PM) of any organization. PM carries the most important characteristics of personal dimensions of an individual besides financial, technical and social compulsions.

Every person follows a genealogical process of self-liberation because right from the time of Adam and Eve, human beings are under bondage which lineage continues even today as a bio-social patronage. PM has the unique function of maintaining a high level of interactive process of interpersonal relations although an individual person has an innate intrapersonal behavioral influence with its overwhelming dominance on the person itself. One's behavior is one's signature identification for others. Simultaneously, inter-group relationships do exist in the organization which too has a commanding influence and strong coordinating effect on the functions of PM. Through the intervention of PM, it is the employees who steer the organization to success or failure.

Success means joy and continuation, failure is closure and sad farewell. Sense of belongingness with the organization is a connecting link for individual success which, in turn, reflects on the organizational success.

In PM the prime focus is on the person, whereas in Human Resource Management (HRM), it is on the resources. HRM treats a human being as a resource similar to money, materials, machines, maintenance and methods. In my opinion, PM is the best title because persons are managed. A person is the source of all other resources that are in use. Resource means something that can be used to support, help, carry, store, consume and convert as and when required. Men and women are not resources, like coal, steel, currency notes and equipments.


MBA Review Magazine, Personnel Management, Self-development, Human Resource Management, HRM, Money, Materials, Machines, Maintenance, Coal, Steel, Currency, Fire System, Material Management, Cost Management, Marketing Management, Human Rights Violations, HRV, Leadership Skills.