In a rapidly transforming economic and business environment, fast-paced innovations and new ideas are redefining the existing business variables giving birth to new ways of doing business. The new paradigms are accelerated by the emergence of the knowledge-driven economy. Consequently the power of information and the ability to synergize it has emerged as the key to success. To survive and thrive in today's dynamic environment, executives and professionals need to continuously acquire emerging knowledge and skills.
The IUP Publications brings out a portfolio of publications to make the much-needed knowledge available to its readers. By making them a staple diet, readers can build competitive edge in their fields of specialization. These publications are designed to cater to the needs of executives, managers, professionals, practitioners, entrepreneurs, advocates, academia and students.
The portfolio of publications encompasses 27 Journals in specialized fields such as Finance, Management, Economics, Law, Engineering, and Arts & Humanities. Each journal features cutting-edge research papers across various domain areas and interdisciplinary topics, as well as case studies and book reviews.
We have been publishing these journals for more than a decade now, and the journals published by us reach a large audience. Besides the printed editions, the copies of our journals are also available online on our website, and are also made available digitally by EBSCO/Proquest.