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HRM Review Magazine:
Employer Branding : The Art of Image Building

Employer branding is the art of developing a charismatic image that inspires a feeling of awe, trust and confidence in the minds of the employees, clients and others who deal with organization. It should hold out an assurance that all the obligations and responsibilities on the part of the employer would be duly honored and meritorious performance of the employees would be recognized and encouraged and rewarded. These effects are easily achieved through periodic communication with all those who matter to the organization, and also through playing the role of an emotional and responsive leader. Such an endeavor on the part of the employer would also evoke in the minds of the employees, a high sense of loyalty and would generate a psychological bond between the employer and the employee that, very often in the case of good employer branding, grows inseparable.

Employer branding would elicit a simple answer for the question "What is employer branding?" It is "How does the employer appear to the employee?" Though the employer has his own normal role to play, it is how the employer projects himself that matters. Is he a warm and earnest bundle of demonstrative, responsive, cultural and emotional leader, evoking adequate sense of loyalty and inspiring high level of trust in the minds of the employees? The employer should strongly exude a personality that is appealing and compelling at the same time. In other words, it involves creation of a trustworthy and humane, at the same time, firm image in the eyes of the employees. Further, the image generates a psychological bond between the employer and the employee. This bond can be rendered even inseparable if only the employer cultivates assiduously the qualities that enable him to command respect and inspire loyalty in his employees.


Employer Branding : The Art of Image Building, art of developing, charismatic image, inspires a feeling of awe, trust and confidence, minds of the employees, organization, assurance, obligations, responsibilities, meritorious performance, recognized, encouraged and rewarded, effects are easily achieved, periodic communication, role of an emotional, responsive leader, psychological bond, good employer branding, grows inseparable