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HRM Review Magazine:
Is Leisure a Luxury or a Value Addition?

With the number of workaholics on the rise in the corporate world, the word `leisure' has almost become defunct. Hobbies and pastimes have no place in their lexis. The typical life of the vast population of the corporate world is more akin to that of the busy ant than to that of the carefree butterfly. If at all one indulges in activities of leisure it is only with guilt, as it is considered more of a luxury than a necessity. Very few realize the emotional impact of leisure. This article addresses the importance of leisure for improving quality of life.

The first ever worker's job was a tough one—to give form to nothing. It would have surely been tough for a mortal. But the first worker was no mere worker; he was the Master Craftsman—God. Out of void he created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, land and waters, flora and fauna and most importantly man and woman. Six days of creative energy being spent, God rested on the seventh day—the last day of the week. Now, what kind of rest was this? Was it a luxury for God to have rested on the last day? It could have been a luxury for Him, if the rest had been mid-way through creation. For, then He would still have work to do. And any rest in-between would have been a luxury. Therefore it certainly wasn't a luxury to Him. It was a well-deserved rest. Was it of value to Him? It may not have been at that point of time. But when God looks back on that day, now (aeons after creation), I'm sure He would consider that day's rest as one of value. Because as the days went by, when man multiplied and grew in numbers, God would have surely realized that Project Preservation was keeping him a lot busier than Project Creation did. Therefore, that day's rest would have been of great value to him.


Is Leisure a Luxury or a Value Addition, workaholics, corporate world, typical life, busy ant, carefree butterfly, indulges in activities, emotional impact of leisure, quality of life, rest resulting in emotional, birds muffled, television news channel, favorite hobby of ours, childhood friend, music, education, cultural pursuits and contemplation, materialistic world