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Advertising Express Magazine:
Corporate Rebranding : Old Wine in a New Bottle!

Markets have become more competitive than ever before and companies are finding it very difficult to retain their existing customers and attract new ones. Against this backdrop, corporate rebranding has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for helping companies operate in the desired market with new brand image and identity. This article aims to explicate various reasons for rebranding and offers a conceptual model for effective rebranding.


In the beginning of the year 2008, CEAT Ltd., amidst its Golden Jubilee celebrations announced the replacement of its age-old mascot, a Rhino with `Raising the Bar' logo (Refer Exhibit 1). CEAT is one of the India's leading automotive tyre manufacturers, supplying tyres for scooter, motorcycles, passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, heavy commercial vehicles, tractors, mining and other vehicles across 110 countries of the world. Since the inception of the company, it has used Rhino because it connoted the toughness of its tyres. Nowadays, toughness is not as prominent a factor in the Indian tyre industry as it used to be in 1980s because of improvement in the quality of roads and use of better technology in the vehicle. As a result of the feedback program of CEAT, and based on the opinions given by employees, customers and shareholders, CEAT decided to go for rebranding. In the new logo of CEAT, the lines in orange color are intended to give a youthful and contemporary look and gel well with the maturity and stability of the blue colored letters that indicates CEAT's affluent heritage in the sector.

In the recent years, the world has witnessed a number of rebranding attempts of several domestic, as well as multinational corporations in almost all the industries across the globe. Today, market has become highly competitive as so many companies are offering products with similar features to the same group of customers. Customers' needs and wants are changing constantly and they expect a better product or improved service every time they make a purchase.

Brand managers understood it very well that the well-established brand image can help a company to ensure sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors. In this backdrop, corporate rebranding has emerged as one of the most powerful tools that believe in changing corporate identity by changing label, logos, brand design, punch line and advertising with a purpose to give fresh image to the companies.


Advertising Express Magazine, Corporate Rebranding, CEAT, Multinational Corporations, Competitive Advantage, Advertising Strategies, Change Management Strategy, Revolutionary Branding, Evolutionary Branding, Marketing Aesthetics, Corporate Restructuring, Business Environment , Merger and Acquisitions.