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Advertising Express Magazine:
Overcoming Online Prospect's Skepticism

One of the hurdles in online sales is prospect’s skepticism. Overcoming online prospect’s skepticism requires correct communication in creating desire and building trust and confidence in the mind of a prospect. This article throws light on the customer’s skepticism and describes the reasons for doubts in the mind of an online prospect. It also deals with various types of testimonials available for lessening or checking the paths of prospect’s skepticism.


The Internet marketing is gaining prominence with the increase in the number of Internet users and their habits for using Internet as a buying media. However, the problem of online prospect's skepticism remains a subject of concern for most of the Web businessmen. Rogers (2005) found that the advertising credibility for conventional media was highest and trust on Internet media was the lowest from the side of consumers. Therefore, it is important that online sellers take appropriate measures to check the skepticism in Internet communication for better results or desired consequences.

The online communication should offer the specific knowledge about products or services to the respondents to satisfy their curiosity for the truthfulness of communication. The communication should focus on one or a couple of specific features than many. Many features confuse the respondents and thus become the source of increasing skepticism in the minds of the consumers. A blog blogspot.com (2008) rightly recommends that the Internet marketer should focus on the products and features that satisfy the needs of customers rather than other issues. An Internet sales consultant advises that the marketer should ensure that the testimonial for reducing skepticism is very specific.

The curiosity of specific knowledge is satisfied by the mind and mind is satisfied by desires. Therefore, the features of the products or services should fulfill the needs of the online visitors or prospects. Leduc (2001) advocates that for curbing skepticism, the marketer should convert the product or service features into high desires of customers. The pleasures of touch, sight, taste, hearing and smelling create or enhance the desires of the prospects.


Advertising Express Magazine, Online Prospect's Skepticism, Internet Marketing, Internet Communication, Online Communication, Online Banking, Online Marketers, Offline Associations, Online Forums, Risk Factors, Technical Services.