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Advertising Express Magazine:
Patriotic Appeal in Advertising

Patriotic appeal is the love feeling towards the country which is used in the advertising to make it more effective. It is used by different companies in their advertising campaigns to break the clutter and to position their brands in the mind of customer. This article takes a holistic look at the use of patriotic appeal in advertising.


There are different parts of society which comprise people of different incomes, lifestyles, geographical areas and ages. Teenagers play an important role in transforming the society. At this stage, emotional, mental and physical changes take place. At present, the corporate world has woken up the society and the people with the advertisements like "We are tomorrow's India".

But by generations it has been seen that Indians are not much patriotic. Post-liberalization everybody started talking about Nike and Pizza Hut. This kind of feeling was not in anybody's genes. Two generations ago, people were born at the freedom struggle and whatever words they used in the conversation was related to patriotism. So, it is quite natural that these feelings will be aroused. Patriotism is important as it is the fodder on which the nation could run. Therefore, it is quite natural that the country has to infuse patriotism into the next generation and media plays an important role in doing so. Many celebrities and stars also help the companies in using patriotism in their advertisement. They do so with the help of different advertising campaigns. Stars are able to induce this feeling in other customers very easily. Therefore, it can be stated that patriotism is not hoisting the flag and singing patriotic song but it is much beyond that.


Advertising Express Magazine, Post-Liberalization, Social Responsibility, Indian Markets, Globalization, Patriotic Advertisements, Hamara Bajaj, Hero Honda, FMCG Products, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Insurance Products, Banking Sector, Banking Transactions.