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Advertising Express Magazine:
Pester Power : Emerging New Dimensions

Parents these days are more than willing to buy more for their children. Marketing to these children is about creating a phenomenon called Pester Power. The use of kids in commercials and advertising campaigns has been increasing each day. The corporates are realizing that the school environment is a great place to enhance the brand awareness about their quality products and services.


Today's children can recognize hundreds of brand names and logos. Several companies have exclusive deals with leading fast food and soft drink companies to offer their products in a school or college. Amusement parks offer colorful pictures and brochures to school children in order to attract them to avail special discounts and offers. The Internet has become an extremely desirable medium for markets to target the children. Generally, parents do not understand to which extent kids are being targeted online. Kids are greatly influencing the parents to spend on electronic games. Most of the parents take their young children out for shopping and hence there is a big opportunity for kids to influence brand choices. Studies have shown that almost 30% of parents buy the toothpaste their kids choose and 44% buy a brand of spread, such as butter, jam and health drinks which their children select. Celebrity endorsement is another factor for children to influence their purchase decision-making process.

We live in a fast changing materialistic world and most products are being sold to families. The children in the family form the core of the family and hence cannot be ignored. In India, research has shown that if a child is used in a particular commercial, then the likeability of the ad immediately increases. Parents are willing to buy more for their kids in order to compensate their lack of time spent on their children. They are forced to listen to their children due to various pressures on the kids and they are always in search of the best products for their children. Whenever a child is born, marketers also celebrate because they have added to their client base. Right from birth, children require several products to help them to survive and grow through the ages. Darsheel Safari the star from the movie Taare Zameen Par has recently endorsed for the health drink horlicks. He has suddenly become the Admans dream boy to attract people from all sections of society. His stardom is being used to promote programs, products, etc. Children have an innocent and genuine way of influencing the thoughts of the customer.


Advertising Express Magazine, Pester Power, Electronic Games, Celebrity Endorsement, Decision Making Process, Advertising Campaigns, School Environment, Soft Drink Companies, Educational Societies, The Wi-Fi technology, Online Shopping, Electronic Games Market, Advertising Strategies, Promotional Strategies.