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Advertising Express Magazine:
Public Relations for Better Company Profiles

Public relations is a new concept, when compared to its counterparts like advertising, marketing, publicity, and promotion, but in recent years, it has gained ground and has a long way to go. Public relations as a profession, is no longer considered to be a press/video release vending machine; neither is a PRO considered as a technician any more. He will have to be a strategist, who will contribute in different phases of PR campaign planning process.


A few years back, Philips (Royal Philips Electronics), one of the largest electronics companies in the world, came out with energy efficient lighting solutions. Wipro, a well-established company in technology sector, launched its eco-friendly products namely, Greenware. Volvo Bus Corporation launched Volvo buses. Effective and efficient lighting solutions launched by Philips or eco-friendly Greenware by Wipro or the safety aspect of Volvo couldn't have become popular on their own. Public Relations (PR)-oriented advertising was the reason behind them all. This effort put in by famous brands indicates that, in future, PR will be the best available tool for all the promotional (marketing) activities.

Marketing is the process of identifying and reaching specific segments of a population for the purpose of selling products or services. There have been many changes involved in the process of marketing since its evolution. It has become imperative for every marketer to persuade one's customers to earn profit. Meeting the customers' needs, whose tastes are different from one another, is a difficult task. It is not easy to attract the customers who have diverse demographic, psychographic and sociological characteristics through eye dazzling techniques. The era of marketing mix which comprised 4Ps namely price, promotion, place and product, is out and that of Marketing 3.0 is in. It is no longer possible for an organization to survive on the basis of one way communication, i.e., through advertising. Marketing 3.0 or customer relationship management is the need of the hour as it enables sales and marketing professionals to deliver targeted communications to prospective and existing customers and shorten the sales cycle.


Advertising Express Magazine, Public Relations, Marketing, Sociological Characteristics, Eye Dazzling Techniques, Era of Marketing, Wikipedia, Online Encyclopedia, Marketing Research, Public Relations, PR, Information Communication Technology Tools, ICT, Global Communication Companies, Customer Relationship Management.