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Advertising Express Magazine:
Rural Marketing : A Perspective

Indian rural market with its large population base and vast market potentials has caught the attention of marketers. Technological and infrastructural developments, increasing literacy and brand awareness, and ever-increasing competition among marketers are some of the factors responsible for the rapid growth of markets in the rural areas. This article discusses some important aspects of rural marketing and the challenges therein.


Indian markets are stretching beyond urban areas. It is rightly said that India resides in villages and rural markets have succeeded in getting the attention of marketers. The majority of the Indian population resides in villages or rural areas; many of the rural people are still dependent on agriculture or agro-based industries situated in the rural areas. Rural areas in India were always attractive to the marketers but rural marketing was difficult due to factors like illiteracy, non-awareness, poor infrastructure, poor buying capacities, distances, absence of technological development, etc. Most of these weaknesses have been overcome during last few years. Rural markets are now lucrative in terms of their spread and marketing potential. These markets have a strong population base and potential to beat the urban markets on the grounds of consumer base, sales revenue and gross profitability. Rural marketing is nothing but the extension of markets to rural areas. These areas have tremendous marketing potential and under no circumstances will follow urban markets but rather compete with them. The large potential customer base in rural markets has attracted MNCs to India, leading to many positive economic and social impacts.


Advertising Express Magazine, Rural Marketing, Technological Developments, Rural Marketing, Indian Markets, Agro Based Industries, Agricultural Industries, Economic Impacts, Multinational Companies, MNCs, Urban Markets, Customer Relationship Management, Product Development, Infrastructural Development, Information and Communication Technology, ICT.