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MBA Review Magazine:
IT and BPO Sector: Work-Life Imbalance?

Meaningful work, quest for recreational activities and ideal personal life lead to self-fulfillment at the place of work. Work-life balance deals with employees having a complete control of work and non-work areas. At present, attaining work-life balance is a challenge and the requirement for it is escalating. 


An analysis of work-life imbalance in the IT and BPO sectors requires an understanding of work-life balance. Work-life balance is an employment practice that is concerned with providing scope for employees to balance their work with the other responsibilities and interests they have besides their work. The `balance' relates to reconciling the competing claims of work and personal life by meeting their own needs, as well as those of their employers. The principle of work-life balance is that, "there should be a balance between an individual's work and his life outside work (family commitments, leisure time activities, etc.) and that this balance should be healthy."

Work-life balance initiatives are not the modern-day extensions of the traditional social security measures, such as sick leave, maternity leave, etc. They are far more fundamental in nature, when it comes to understanding and responding to employees' individual, professional, familial and societal needs. Research has shown that improved work-life balance leads to enhanced employer satisfaction and contented employees contribute to the organization in terms of productivity and positive work culture. Underpinning work-life balance are: appropriate employment provisions, organizational systems and supportive management.

The study of work-life balance has given rise to the concept of `work-life conflict'. The conflict takes place when collective demands of job and non-job life roles are incompatible. The involvement in one role is made difficult by participation in the other. Considerable work-life conflict results in job-associated stress. Job conditions, such as intense workload, lack of participation in decision-making, health and safety hazards, job insecurity and stretched time limits, are related to workplace stress.

Work-life conflict impacts the psychological and physical well-being of the workforce, influences the quality of their personal relationships outside work and enhances the cost to business. Personnel with high levels of work-life conflict are more inclined to experience poor health. Work-life conflict has adverse impact on employees' relationships with their kids and spouse. It also has consequences for the firm's bottom line. Employees who experience work-life conflicts tend to miss more working days annually and are less loyal to the company. They are less satisfied with their job and likely to leave the firm.


MBA Review Magazine, BPO Sectors, Decision-Making Process, Organizational Systems, Matrimonial Market, BPO Companies, Software Industry, Software Development, Outsourcing Firms, Artificial Insemination, Computer Sciences Corporation, ITES Industries, Foreign Direct Investments.