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MBA Review Magazine:
Let's Agree on Our "Rules of Engagement"

When the "MBA Review" invited me to write a regular column, I felt flattered and happy. I am indeed flattered, since I am amongst those who truly believe in India's future while having a profound respect, since childhood, for its roots and history. My daughter's godfather and life mentor is a famous Indian Virginia Tech-based Professor, Dr. Arun Phadke. I am happy because I do my job of Board and Executive adviser, writer (my book came out in April and is called Engaging Leadership) and consultant with passion and true belief.


One of the first Golden Rules in successful teams is to create clarity on our mutual expectations. And this is what I intend to do on my side on those lines. I expect your feedback and expectations/commitments in return by e-mail: Didier@enablersnetwork.com.

The purpose of my column will be to provoke and encourage the future leaders of Indian and worldwide businesses whosoever you are, to think as and become modern leaders.

My style is resolutely politically incorrect. I believe in authenticity and straight talking. And I also believe in respect and generosity. I modestly hope to make a small contribution in inspiring India's leaders of tomorrow so that they play an active part in liberating their country of some of the self-imposed chains which prevent it from being a true example of sustainable development for the rest of us.

I look forward to your feedback (challenging is a sign of engagement!) as I will need your ideas and comments to keep this column alive and interesting to all of us. I have neither talent nor dedication for "preaching in the desert"…. So, bring me ammunition, ideas, themes, reactions and passion in return.


MBA Review Magazine, Golden Rules, Worldwide Businesses, Open-Source Economy, Rules of Engagement, Modern Leaders, Conference Models, Collective Assumptions, Indian Businesses.