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MBA Review Magazine:
Wear Your Right Attitude at the Workplace

Employees often fail to realize the importance of adopting the right attitude at the workplace. In several circumstances at the workplace, the attitude component of the job has a greater implication and recognition than the skills and knowledge. The right attitude of the employees makes a huge difference and achieving business goals becomes much easier and faster. This article attempts to identify a few ways by which the employees can reflect a proper attitude at their respective workplace. It also discusses how a perfect blend of ingredients like acceptability, trustworthiness, temperament, individuality, team spirit, unprejudiced notions, dress code and expression help to create the right attitude. Each letter of the word ATTITUDE presages a meaning which is discussed elaborately in the article.


Attitude is everything at the workplace. The outlook of an employee defines him as a person, reflects his ways of thinking and acceptance or nonacceptance by the coworkers. The confrontations at the workplace can be mellowed down, if the employees wear the right attitude which strengthens their association with the boss and colleagues in the long run. The positive attitude shown by employees at the workplace will enable them to overcome hurdles and difficulties. Therefore, building and shaping a proper attitude can work as an armor and promote a congenial climate at the workplace.

The work life is very important to any employee. Workplace entails harmonious relationship among the employees and the employers. Thus, any undesirable behavior adopted by the employees can lead to complexities and hamper the interpersonal relationship at the workplace. People are expected to wear the right attitude, which is reflected through their various habits and practices. The positive work environment is generated with the collaborative effort of the employees. Such an outlook is not created within a day. It requires a person to alter some of his opinions and individual beliefs and habits. Consequently, employees need to contemplate on areas to change themselves and fit into any work environment.

The grievances, misconduct, poor industrial relations, strikes and discontentment at the workplace are results of low degree of employee tolerance. We often fail to appreciate others and do not give due respect to their opinions and advice. The diverse workforce differs in terms of culture, religion, beliefs, caste and creed, language and demographic characteristics. Therefore, in such work cultures, showing intolerance towards others engenders conflict and people often encounter dysfunctional situations. Building tolerance among employees has become an important tool for effective diversity management. High tolerance removes the ego clashes among the employees, and between the management and employees. A cooperative attitude and the empathetic feelings are nurtured when one displays high degree of tolerance.

An employee becomes more acceptable when he speaks less and shows willingness to listen to what others have to say. Listening develops better relations and a better problem-solving environment. Feedback from the receiver contributes to effective listening. Reflective listening is an active listening. There are ways of improving listening skills. These include: taking down notes, avoid formation of premature evaluation, identify the key issues of discussion, showing respect to others' opinion and give time to the speaker to clarify his points.


MBA Review Magazine, Diversity Management, Reflective Listening, Problem-solving Environment, Work Environment, Harmonious Relationships, Facial Communications, Interpersonal Communication, Management Tactics, Effective Communication, Workplace Development, Biological System, Organizational Process.