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HRM Review Magazine:
Learning Management System - HR Perspectives

An effective Enterprise Learning Management System enhances organizational productivity, competence and knowledge retention, which need to be activated by the HRD in the organizations. In order to facilitate the effective knowledge management in corporates, HR should try to develop new strategies. The concept of continuous learning is the shifting exemplar in HR policies."While most employees acknowledge that improving their skills and knowledge is important for them as individuals and for their employer, this alone is not enough to bring about the necessary change in behavior."

The emergence of a corporate culture in the wake of "Globalization" of economies in recent times has radically changed the human mindset leading to qualitative changes in the society. The society is being driven towards the noble objective of achieving equilibrium in the light of knowledge explosion. The rise of "knowledge society" and "information economy" is posing many challenges to the corporate sector with regard to successful management of human resources. The paradigm shift in the HR management policies and practices demand the development of a new environment in the organizations wherein the members of the organization can avail of the opportunities for the enrichment of their knowledge and thereby raise their self-esteem. The need for creating a passion in the employees of the organization to embark upon "learning" the unknown things in order to leverage upon their counterparts is being felt nowadays.


Learning Management System - HR Perspectives,effective Enterprise Learning Management, System organizational productivity, competence and knowledge retention, HRD in the organizations, effective knowledge management, corporates, HR new strategies, concept of continuous learning.