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HRM REVIEW Magazine:
Employee EmpowermentIssues

In today's competitive business environment, the differentiator for any successful organization is its empowered workforce. Employee empowerment allows individuals to identify and use their potential in helping the organization achieve its goals. This article reveals, through examples, how companies withstand competition, grow continuously, and achieve excellence in the present global context by implementing employee empowerment.


As said by Jack Welch former CEO of General Electric, "My view of the 1990s is based on the liberation of the workplace. If you want to get the benefit of everything employees have, you have got to free them—make everybody a participant. Everybody has to know everything, so they can make the right decisions by themselves". Successful organizations established employee empowerment as an essential practice to be followed.

In the era of globalization of market economy, hyper-competition, and uncertainty of rapidly changing environment the success of an organization depends on how to balance top-down control with bottom-up empowerment. Research conducted by Malone found that the dramatically decreased cost of information technology altered the economics of decision making, thereby resulting in decentralized control at the workplace.


HRM Review Magazine, Employee Empowerment, Business Environment, Globalization, Market Economy, Information technology, Decision-Making Process, Leadership Styles, Quality Management, Participative Management, Corporate Culture, Organizational Commitment, General Electric Company, Ford Motor Company.