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The IUP Journal of Infrastructure :
Establishing an Ad Hoc Infrastructure for Innovative Technologies Deployment: The Case of Knowledge-Based Systems

In this paper, referring to the Model for General Knowledge Management within the Enterprise (MGKME), we emphasize two of the operating elements of this model which are essential to ensure the organizational learning process that leads people to use appropriate concepts, methods and tools of Knowledge Management (KM) considered as an innovative technology: the ad hoc infrastructures element, and the organizational learning processes element. The Nonaka’s Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization (SECI) model, and the Japanese concept of Ba, underlie these two elements. The case of the Semi-opened Infrastructure Model (SopIM) implemented to deploy artificial intelligence and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) within a large industrial company illustrates what could be the application of these concepts in the real field. Meanwhile, we partially validate MGKME. Furthermore, we consolidate the SopIM, which becomes a pattern of reference allowing implementing an ad hoc infrastructure for innovative technologies deployment.


In the knowledge society (Lytras and Sicilia, 2005), enterprises are more and more concerned with Knowledge Management (KM) as a key factor for improving their efficiency and competitiveness, notably their innovative capabilities. However, very often, KM is considered from a technological viewpoint that induces to consider knowledge as an object independent of individuals. Thus, as observed by Kjaergaard et al. (2008) “The practice of knowledge management is often reduced to the implementation of new IT-based systems, procedures for documenting and sharing information, and documents themselves though there are examples to the contrary. By focusing on externalization and documentation of knowledge, important organizational aspects, in particular human and social issues, can be overlooked (p. 71).” Those practices disregard the innovative potentialities of KM. In our research group, supposing that knowledge is not manageable as if it were a data or information, we postulate that KM must address activities that utilize and create knowledge more than knowledge by itself. With regard to this issue, we elaborated a sociotechnical approach of KM within the enterprise, and we synthesized it into an empirical model called Model for General Knowledge Management within the Enterprise (MGKME). Seven elements, classified into two categories, characterize this model. In particular, two of these elements, the ‘ad hoc infrastructure’, and the ‘organizational learning processes’ are essential to ensure the learning process that leads people to use appropriate concepts, methods and tools of KM considered as an innovative technology.

In this paper, after having put down background theory and assumptions, we present MGKME, emphasizing on two of the operating elements suggested by this model: the ad hoc infrastructures element, and the organizational learning processes element. That leads to introduce the Nonaka’s Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization (SECI) model (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995), and the Japanese concept of Ba (Nonaka and Konno, 1998). Then, considering the case of innovative technologies deployment within a large industrial company, that are intelligence artificial and Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), we describe the ‘Semi-opened Infrastructure Model’ (SopIM), which was implemented, highlighting the link with Nonaka’s SECI model, and the Japanese concept of Ba. In that way, we make a transposition that considers this model as an instance of the two MGKME’s element mentioned above. Consequently, we partially validate MGKME. Furthermore, we consolidate SopIM as a pattern of reference to deploy innovative technologies.


Infrastructure Journal, Indian Banks, Public Resources, Banking Sector, Commercial Banks, Infrastructure Projects, Gross Domestic Product, GDP, Corporate Financing, Project Financing Method, Credit Scoring Mechanism, Risk Assessment, Operational Risk, Organizational Structures, Infrastructure Development, Corporate Bond Market, Strategic Business Units, Indian Economy.