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MBA Review Magazine:
Management Education: An Overview Using McKinsey's 7-S Framework

The shift of a manager's role in the 21st century provides the context of the quality challenges faced by management schools. There are several challenges of management education, which require change in the character and structure of management education and integration of management education with the corporate sector.


Quality improvement is a highly desired objective for the fiercely competitive international business world. In recent times, Indian firms have been subjected to the demand that the quality of products and services need to be improved to match the level of their superior counterparts in foreign countries. Post liberalization, has led to the setting up of a number of industries which has brought about a competitive business war in India. Quality management practices are the key source to competitive advantage.

As we enter into third millennium, organizational environment is characterized by technology, globalization, competition, change, speed and paradox. World-class organizations build readiness to the new era, by creating a new dimension of organizational culture like knowledge and information-sharing, innovation and creativity, teamwork, project orientation, diversity and strong core values.

The shift of manager's role in 21st century provides the context of the quality challenges faced by B-Schools. There are several challenges which require change in the character and structure of management education, integration of management education with the corporate sector, upgradation of curriculum and course content, designing of different programs for executives, maintenance of an efficient and effective regulatory system to check mushrooming of B-Schools, and emphasis on research. Nearly one lakh management graduates pass out every year in India, providing a tremendous potential to contribute to the creation of a `knowledge society'. With the international economy evolving toward a global network organized around the value of knowledge, the capacity of people and organizations to use technological advancements effectively and efficiently has emerged as a critical social concern.

There is also a need that our dependence on foreign literature and techniques should be minimized and management teaching and thinking should be based on practical experiences deriving strength from Indian ethos. It demands a strategic shift towards quality management practices. Now, the management education institutions need to transform their structures, mission, processes and programs to be both flexible and more responsive to changing social needs. Quality practices involves changing the way people interact and work in an institution and its success mainly depends on the organizational dimensions as strategy, structure, system, shared values, staff, skill and style of an institution known as McKinsey's 7-S Framework. The basic idea of the model is that there are seven internal aspects of an organization. The seven elements are categorized as either "hard" or "soft" elements. In hard elements, strategy, structure and systems are included. In soft elements, shared values, skills, style, and staff are included.


MBA Review Magazine, Management Education, Organizational Dimensions, Quality Management, Foreign Literature, Global Network, Corporate Sectors, Organizational Culture, Project Orientation, Post Liberalization, Organizational Learning, Academic Programs.